Habe mich dazu entschlossen diesen Blog wiederzubeleben. Eigentlich dachte ich, dass es dafuer keinen Grund gaebe. Falsch! Der Berndblog allein ist Grund genug. Deshalb eine neue Serie "Aus dem Berndblog". Es geht los mit dem neuesten Eintrag zum Jahresbeginn:
After a short web-sabbatical and a quiet Christmas as well as New Year’s Eve, just a short note to start the year off. Well, according to one calendar at least. Resolutions? Loads, or only one … it will be a time of change in many ways and it will be a “mé féin year”. On this blog, in real life, in most aspects at work, at play and in general (though not in all). Time to regroup, count blessings, find the way. No time to listen to the background burble. Time to cut some ties, to forge ahead with long-term plans and to concentrate on the essentials, not the glam and glitz of the outer shell, so important to many and yet so useless in the end.Wahnsinn! Die Luft knistert ...